horizontal merger

horizontal merger
горизонтальное слияние (компаний одной специализации)

English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "horizontal merger" в других словарях:

  • horizontal merger — horizontal merger, a merger of companies that produce the same products or otherwise compete directly with each other: »Unless…the horizontal merger (the combination of firms producing similar products), the conglomerate merger involves unrelated …   Useful english dictionary

  • Horizontal merger — A merger involving two or more firms in the same industry that are both at the same stage in the production cycle; that is two or more competitors. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * horizontal merger horizontal merger ➔ merger * * *… …   Financial and business terms

  • horizontal merger — A merger involving two or more firms in the same industry that are both at the same stage in the production cycle; that is, two or more competitors . Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * horizontal merger horizontal merger ➔ merger * * *… …   Financial and business terms

  • Horizontal Merger — A merger occurring between companies in the same industry. Horizontal merger is a business consolidation that occurs between firms who operate in the same space, often as competitors offering the same good or service. Horizontal mergers are… …   Investment dictionary

  • horizontal merger — merger in which two companies working in the same field join together into one firm (Economics) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • horizontal merger — hor′izon′tal merg′er n. bus the purchase by a company of a competitor or of a company dealing in similar products or services …   From formal English to slang

  • merger — merg·er / mər jər/ n 1: the absorption of a lesser estate or interest into a greater one held by the same person compare confusion 2: the incorporation and superseding of one contract by another 3 a: the treatment (as by statute) of two offenses… …   Law dictionary

  • Merger guidelines — Competition law Basic concepts History of competition law Monopoly Coercive monopoly Natural monopoly …   Wikipedia

  • merger — The fusion or absorption of one thing or right into another; generally spoken of a case where one of the subjects is of less dignity or importance than the other. Here the less important ceases to have an independent existence. Contract law. The… …   Black's law dictionary

  • merger — The fusion or absorption of one thing or right into another; generally spoken of a case where one of the subjects is of less dignity or importance than the other. Here the less important ceases to have an independent existence. Contract law. The… …   Black's law dictionary

  • merger — (1) acquisition in which all assets and liabilities ( liability) are absorbed by the buyer. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary (2) More generally, any combination of two companies. The firm s activity in this respect is sometimes called M&A (Merger… …   Financial and business terms

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